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Rabbitholes and Revelations/Not Wonderland 2005- 2009


I was born in 1969 and grew up in the suburbs of Long Island, New York. It was the closest I was able to be at the time to a country setting without residing in the north part of the state. I loved that I was a car-ride away from farmlands, beautiful parks, forests, and nature preserves; many areas that were still left undeveloped leaving hints of past history.


In 2006, though, I moved closer to Manhattan, to the harsh realities of urban living. In Queens, NY, not far from “the big apple”, I saw a magnification of a complex, fast-paced, aggressive nature our society has become. Humanity, that was often hidden by technology and the vastness of a city, made it difficult for me to form interpersonal relationships and I found myself longing for an idyllic world – one where peace, love, and harmony resided.


The move, combined with other profound changes occurred in my life including a fear of losing my identity; self-doubt was surrounding my every move and I started making poor decisions. Fairly rapidly, I felt like I was falling into a deep hole. With some therapy, I started a quest to find connections and clues to how I arrived to the place that I was at. It was at that moment that everything felt surreal and the story “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”, deemed appropriate for what was happening and the two series of work evolved soon after.

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